Sunday, May 21, 2006

Minty does Bay to Breakers

Minty did the Bay to Breakers 7.5 mile cross-city race today. He enjoyed seeing all of the interesting people, and creatures along the way...

Minty at the starting line

Minty and the salmon, swimming upstream

Minty meets naked Elvis

Minty made it up the Hayes Street hill

Minty watches an impromptu wrestling match

Minty meets Bloody Mary ... yumm!

Minty and the running of the bulls

Minty meets the Smurfs

Minty meets Frank Chu

Minty and the naughty nurses

Minty and ugly naked guy

Minty finishes the race in 22,414th place!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Minty goes to Costa Rica

Minty joined me on vacation in Costa Rica. He was too busy having fun to pose for very many pictures, but here are a few...

Here's Minty at the Tabacon Hot Springs... steamy!

Minty at the Arenal Hanging Bridges.

Minty at the Arenal Volcano.